Lake Picachos raffle

100 numbers per draw

🎟️ Raffle! Weekend fishing in Bacurato, Sinaloa! 🐟 2 people, 2 nights, day and a half of fishing! 🎣 Try your luck πŸ€

For more details on the rules click here.-

$30.00 Plus Taxes

99 in stock

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100 numbers per draw

Prize for two Anglers:

βœ”Β  3 Fishing 🎣 sessions with guide, 5 hours each one
βœ”Β  2 Nights lodging πŸ›ŒπŸ» at Bacurato Lake
βœ”Β  Drinks on the boat πŸ₯€ for each session (beer, soft drinks, water)
βœ”Β  2 breakfasts 🍴πŸ₯ž with beverages per person
βœ”Β  2 three-courseΒ  🍴🍝meals with beverages per person (beer, soft drinks, waters)
βœ”Β  2 Three-course 🍴🍝 dinners with beverages per person (beer, soft drinks, water)
βœ”Β  Transportation πŸš• Culiacan AirportΒ - Bacurato / Bacurato - CuliacΓ‘n Airport
  ⚠ Does not include: transportation to CuliacΓ‘n and fishing equipment. ⚠


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Enter the email of your next fishing partner

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Raffle Rules:

1) The winning number of the raffle will be the one that coincides with the last two numbers of the winning number of the main draw of the

National Lottery
of the designated date.

example of fishing raffle winner 1
example of a fishing raffle winner

2) The winning number will be announced through this channel (raffle website Sorteo Presa Picachos 2) within 24 hours after the winning number of the main raffle of the Picachos 2 dam is known.

National Lottery

. The winning number will be informed by e-mail and on the raffle website.

3) If 100 percent of the raffle tickets are sold prior to the date of the drawing, the drawing will be held three business days after 100 percent is reached on the date coinciding with the largest drawing of the National Lottery. The new date and time will be informed by e-mail and on the raffle website.

4) The raffle will be held as long as 80% of the tickets have been sold. If not, the date will be postponed for one month.

For more details on the rules click here.

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