What is fished in Lake Zimapan?
At Lake Zimapan you can could: Black bass, tilapia and catfish.
When is the best fishing season in Lake Zimapan?
The peak season for bass fishing at Lake Zimapan is from November to May
fishing Techniques
- Spinning
- Light Tackle
- Catch and Release
Lake Zimapan - 1H 47Min from queretaro city

Zimapan is an iconic lake that borders the states of Hidalgo and Querétaro. It is surrounded by canyons: Las Brujas, El Epazote and the most impressive of all, the 1200 meter long Peña del Aguila canyon.
The fishing is incredible in its multiple bays. It is a lake that tests your versatility as a angler since, in certain areas, it will make you implement different techniques ranging from finesse to power fishing.
With specimens of bass that average 19 inches that will give you a fight until the end. This lake is considered the best place to fish in the center of the country.
Los Mármoles National Park (twenty thousand hectares is composed of exuberant vegetation of pine, oyamel, juniper and wild walnut). Includes Barranca de San Vicente and La Encarnación (ghost town).
Cerro de Cangandho (canyon)
El Vigilante (monolith).
Xajha Grottes.

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