What is fished in mateos lake?
At Mateos Lake you can could: Black bass, tilapia and catfish.
When is the best fishing season in Mateos Lake?
The peak season for bass fishing at Mateos Lake is from November to May
fishing Techniques
- Spinning
- Light Tackle
- Catch and Release
Most Popular Features
Fishing License
Drinks (water and sodas)
Ice Box
English Spoken
Child Friendly
Food (Lunch & Snacks)
Lake El Varejonal - 1h 6m from Culiacan City

The Varejonal Lake has no less than 11,340 hectares of extension. You can imagine the amount of spots you can find to fish for bass. Green hills in the middle of the lake, cliffs and rocky points. The bass average 15 inches and are used to fight until the end.
Nomonday’s guides, on occasions, have ventured out to get to know new corners of the lake, they have been navigating it for a while and even they themselves are surprised when they find new spots, it is simply a fantastic place.

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